The Smooth menu can be found with the [Smooth...]
button in the main General Tool menu. This operation smooths bumps and corners in the selected area.
With the [Filter]
option, you can choose what blocks to be affected by the operation's adjustments. You can choose to only affect a certain block ([Normal]
) or to affect all blocks except a certain block ([Exclude]
). Once enabled, it can be disabled by using the button again.
The [Settings...]
button opens another menu:
The Edge detection limit
option controls the maximum blocks along a corner that it searches to find out how big the corner is.
The Intensity
option controls how aggressively corners are rounded, with a value of 1-5.
The direction options toggle which directions it smooths relative to. For example, if you were to only have [Up]
selected, it would only smooth out the sides of vertical upwards-facing bumps. The [Down]
direction is disabled by default, as it can cause some unwanted behavior.