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The Clone menu can be found with the [Clone...] button in the main General Tool menu. This operation allows you to copy or move an area from one place to another.

[The Clone menu]

First of all, the [Destination] option lets you toggle between placing the cloned area at a right-clicked block in the world (At Block) and placing the cloned area at your player position (At Player).


The Mode option allows you to choose between two different cloning modes.

Standard, the default mode, includes all rotation and filter functionality, but does not rotate individual blocks properly. For example, stairs facing one way still face the same way after being rotated.
The Template mode is faster, and rotates individual blocks properly, unlike the other mode. However, the area can only be rotated around the Y axis and mirrored on either the X or Z axis, and filter and keep functionality is not supported.


The [Filter] option lets you enable a filter to either only clone a certain block ([Normal]), or clone all blocks except a certain block ([Exclude]). Once enabled, the filter can be disabled by clicking the button again.


This rotation menu can be opened through the [Rotate...] button.
[The rotation menu]

This is what the menu looks like with the full rotation availability of the Standard cloning mode.

In this rotation menu, you can change the rotation in 90° steps and toggle mirroring on the different axes.

Once the menu has been opened, this rotation helper shows up in front of you:
[The rotation helper observer buddy]

This serious-looking little buddy helps you by turning its head according to the rotation and mirror axes you select. The red dot shows the starting position, which is where the rotation helper faces when there's no rotation active.

To reset all rotation, you can use the [Reset] button at the bottom of the menu.