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Step-by-step instructions on how to make a brush for the Brush Tool:

  1. Make a new item modifier for selecting your brush.

    Example of a brush item modifier:

    "function": "minecraft:set_nbt",
    "tag": "{WorldTool:{Brush:\"myplugin:example\",BrushSettings:{Requires:[\"block\",\"area\"],MaxSize:39}}}"
    "function": "minecraft:set_lore",
    "lore": [
    {"nbt":"Translation.\"myplugin.lore.selected_brush.example\"","storage": "worldtool:storage","color": "yellow","italic": false},
    {"nbt":"Translation.\"lore.selected_block\"","storage": "worldtool:storage","color": "light_purple","italic": false},
    {"nbt":"SelectedItem.tag.WorldTool.PrimaryBlock.State.Name", "entity": "@s","italic": false},
    {"nbt":"Translation.\"lore.brush.1\"","storage": "worldtool:storage","interpret": true,"italic": false},
    {"nbt":"Translation.\"lore.brush.2\"","storage": "worldtool:storage","interpret": true,"italic": false}
    "entity": "this",
    "replace": true

    The parts you need to pay attention to are:

    • The Brush ID.
    • The Requires list, which specifies what the brush needs to use. The available requirements are block and area.
    • The first translation in the "lore" list.
  2. Make a new function for running when your brush is selected.

    Example of a brush selection function:

    # Called by worldtool:ui_brush/select_brush/menu
    # Example of a brush selection function

    # This is used to make sure the user is holding the Brush Tool
    function worldtool:ui_brush/check_tool

    # Call your item modifier
    item modify entity @s weapon.mainhand myplugin:example_brush

    function worldtool:ui/sound.change_item

    # Options you want to change when your brush is selected
    item modify entity @s weapon.mainhand worldtool:brush_tool/settings/before_block/off

    # Go back to the main Brush Tool menu
    function worldtool:ui_brush/menu
  3. Make a new predicate for checking when your brush is selected.

    Example of a brush predicate:

    "condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",

    "entity": "this",
    "predicate": {
    "equipment": {
    "mainhand": {
    "nbt": "{WorldTool:{Brush:\"myplugin:example\"}}"
  4. Use the ui_brush/brush_list hook to display a button for your brush, which when clicked calls the function you made for it. Use the predicate you made to display a grayed out button when the brush is already selected.

  5. Use the ui_brush/menu/add_tags hook to remove or add the settings you want to have available in the menu. The full list of tags is:

wt.setting.brush_size (Default = available)
wt.setting.hollow (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.overwrite (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.structure (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.before_block (Default = available)
wt.setting.structure (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.structure_rotation (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.structure_mirror (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.structure_offset (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.greenery_rate (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.remove_current_greenery (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.flat (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.axis (Default = unavailable)
wt.setting.update_block (Default = available)

wt.brush_selections.normal (Default = available)

  1. Use the process_start/brush/start hook to check if your brush is selected with its predicate, and if so, run a function to use the brush. If you want to use a process for it, call the worldtool:process_start/brush/start/normal/start function and proceed to the next step. If not, this is the end of the instructions.

  2. Make another function, to set up your brush process.

    # Example of a process setup function

    # Tell the function that sets up all the processes that everything is alright
    scoreboard players set #success worldtool 1

    data modify storage worldtool:storage Processes prepend value {DisplayName:'{"nbt":"Translation.\\"myplugin.process.brush.example\\"","storage":"worldtool:storage"}',ID:"myplugin:example",Tags:["myplugin.process.example","wt.no_message"]}
    # If you have set up blocks per tick data for this process
    data modify storage worldtool:storage Processes[0].BlocksPerTick set from storage worldtool:storage BlocksPerTick.Processes[{ID:"worldtool:paint"}].Value

    function worldtool:process_start/brush/start/normal/setup_process/set_process_values
  3. Use the process_start/brush/normal_start/processes hook to check if your brush is selected with its predicate, and if so, run your process setup function.

  4. Follow these steps to make your process work, and you're all set!